Yay, its spring! The temps are feeling warmer already AND it doesn’t get dark until after 7pm here where I am! Now, don’t get me wrong, I do love a good snow storm, but one per winter will do it for me. Then, I’m all about the warm weather.
And even though that one big snow storm missed us this year, now that it’s April, I’m definitely ok with skipping it and moving on to warm, sunny days and bare feet. My cozy sock wearing, hot chocolate sipping, movie watching snow day will have to wait ‘til next year.
In preparation for spring and the April showers, I have created a rainbow meditation packet for you complete with the Rainbow Meditation script, discussion questions, and a rainbow breathing printable.
This Rainbow Meditation for Kids packet is the perfect addition to your rainbow theme and activities. Simply incorporate the meditation and/or the rainbow breathing printable into your morning circle time or before nap time. And, you can customize it for the needs of your kids.
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The Rainbow Meditation for kids is designed to strengthen inner qualities that we all need in our personal foundations to live happy and meaningful lives. Our personal foundations are made up of seven character qualities that I call building blocks. Our experiences, our thoughts, and our beliefs end up shaping our building blocks as we move through life.
When the building blocks are nurtured, they become strong and resilient which provide us with the resources we need when we’re faced with a difficult moment or challenge. But when they aren't nurtured and strengthened, they can form cracks and crumble with weakness, leaving us feeling anxious, fearful, unfulfilled, unhappy, defeated, and so on...
Rainbow Meditation for kids is designed to nurture and strengthen all seven building blocks, in a kid-friendly way. It uses guided visualization, deep breathing, and fun colorful rainbows. Now who doesn’t love a rainbow?!
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loving kindness meditation
I put together a Rainbow Meditation for you complete with the script, discussion questions, and a deep breathing printable. You can grab your copy for free in the Mindfulness Library. Simply click the button below or if you already have a password, you can head straight over to the Mindfulness Library.
The list below is an overview of the character qualities and emotions associated with each of the building blocks. It is not a complete description, there are many layers to it. But, when I work with kids, these seem to be the topics that pop out.
- RED (physical) - Feeling calm, good sleep, safety, health, fear
- ORANGE (emotional) - Emotional balance, peace, creativity
- YELLOW (ego/personal) - Confidence, personal power, self-care, brave,independent
- GREEN (social) - Love, compassion, kindness, grief, friendships
- BLUE - Communication, expression, truth, lies
- INDIGO - Dreams, intuition, imagination
- VIOLET - Wisdom, connection, intellect

Remember, there are no rules. Use the meditation whenever your kids may need to boost one of these qualities within themselves or work it into your daily routine to keep them strong.
You can also change it up and customize it for your child’s needs. If your child gets sick a lot, then for the color red, change the word “safe” to “healthy”. Or if your child blurts out, you can work with the color blue and say something like, “I think before I speak,” or “People will listen even if I wait my turn to speak."
Laminate a copy of the printable below for your quiet corner or peace center. This way your kids can use it to practice their deep breathing or use it in a difficult moment. You can download it from the Mindfulness Library or click the button if you need a password.

If you can’t figure out how to work your child’s struggle into the meditation, then just email me or comment below. I would love to help you out!
work as a paraeducater
I work as a Paraproffessional with USD500 SCHOOL DISTRICT