Tag: parenting

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  It’s hard to believe but this month I am wrapping up my Mindful Me-school programs for the year. It’s been a whole year of deep breathing, meditation, mindful games, and creative activities as I taught preschoolers some tools for getting through difficult moments and for building character.   I usually save the very special…


Yay, its spring! The temps are feeling warmer already AND it doesn’t get dark until after 7pm here where I am! Now, don’t get me wrong, I do love a good snow storm, but one per winter will do it for me. Then, I’m all about the warm weather.   And even though that one…

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I believe we can build strong children right from the start. That’s why I created The Building Blocks Blueprint. It’s my seven step system that shows parents exactly how to build a strong personal foundation for their kids and the tools for nurturing and strengthening it. When you follow the blueprint, your child will have all the inner resources they need to manage their difficult moments and find peace.