I feel like a broken record when I talk about deep breathing, because I talk about it A LOT. It's my #1 go-to power tool for managing stress, challenges, and difficult moments, because:
- It's so simple to use
- It's easy to teach to kids
- It can be used anytime and anywhere
- No one has to know you are using it
- It's natural
- It's free
- And the list goes on...
And, more importantly, what about the benefits for the mind and body? That list goes on and on, too, but I've narrowed it down here to five that are really beneficial for kids, too. When you're done reading, you'll definitely want your child to become a deep breathing master. And don't worry, I'll show you how.
But first, let's take a quick walk through the science of deep breathing, and how it can benefit your kids. I want deep breathing to become your child's #1 power tool, too.
The Relaxation Response vs The Stress Response
I'm sure you can remember a time when you were upset and someone said to you, "Just take a deep breath." Well, there's a real biological reason for why deep breathing calms us down.
I don’t want to get too detailed, but I want you to know that deep breathing causes biological changes in the body that help it to relax. Slow, deep abdominal breathing activates what’s called the relaxation response. It’s the mechanism that decreases the heart rate and the blood pressure, relaxes muscles, and calms the mind.
You see, when the stress response is activated by some kind of "stressor", it causes a number of changes in our body. These changes are associated with that fight or flight response that you’ve probably heard of. So, our heart rate increases, our muscles tense, and breathing becomes rapid and shallow. All of these biological changes make us stronger, faster, and more alert as our body prepares to face stress and danger.
These are probably the same feelings you and your kids feel in your body when you feel stressed out, anxious, or challenged by something.
Now, when the stress passes, the fight or flight response is suppose to quiet down and the relaxation response kicks on to bring the body back down. The heart rate slows, the blood pressure decreases, and breathing returns to normal.
So, deep breathing during a difficult moment or challenge can return the body and mind to a more peaceful state.
The Effects of Stress
Nowadays the stressor or danger doesn't always pass quickly. As adults, we experience more chronic stress like work, money, relationships, and health issues. And, even kids can experience chronic stress like bullies, challenging school work, and fitting in.
Below is a list from The Mayo Clinic of some of the effects that stress can have on our body, our mood, and our behavior.
Common effects of stress on your body
- Headache
- Muscle tension or pain
- Chest pain
- Fatigue
- Stomach upset
- Sleep problems
Common effects of stress on your mood
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
- Lack of motivation or focus
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Irritability or anger
- Sadness or depression
Common effects of stress on your behavior
- Overeating or undereating
- Angry outbursts
- Drug or alcohol abuse
- Tobacco use
- Social withdrawal
- Exercising less often
My #1 Power Tool for managing challenges and stress
So, I think most would agree that it's important to manage stress and challenges both in the moment and for the long term. AND, that it's just as important for kids to manage their stress, too. But, how do we turn off that stress response that our body turns on so quickly and naturally?
The good news is that there is a tool that gives you the power to turn off the stress response and activate the relaxation response to find peace anywhere and anytime.
And, I've already told you what it is. Yes, it's deep breathing.
Even The Mayo Clinic lists deep breathing as one tool to manage stress and Dr. Oz talks about deep belly breathing for "toxic worry".
So, let's talk about some deep breathing benefits for your kids.
5 Deep Breathing Benefits for Kids
By activating the relaxation response, deep breathing can promote these five benefits (and more) for your kids:
Calm an active body
Do your kids run around at warp speed while you get frustrated because yelling at them to stop doesn't work? You're not alone. I would plead with my kids to "Just calm down!" yet it would rarely work. Once I realized I had to teach them how to put the brake on and slow down, it got a whole lot easier. Any ideas what the brake was? Yes, deep breathing, of course!!
Settle anxiety
Anxiety can range from a mild, uneasy feeling to so severe that it's disabling. It brings worry to the mind and a whole list of physiological changes in the body, including increased heart rate, shallow breathing, and nausea to name a few. Deep breathing can activate the relaxation response and settle anxious feelings.
Balance big emotions
Balancing big emotions is yet another deep breathing benefit. So, when your kids are experiencing big feelings like anger, sadness, or frustration, a little deep breathing can put them back in control. Our emotions hijack our logical brain, but deep breathing can calm the emotions, so your child can make a better choice in the moment.
Promote better sleep
A few deep breaths at bedtime or nap time can relax the body and settle the mind for a calm, peaceful bedtime routine and restful sleep. I think you might like this bedtime poem.
Tame the tantrum
Not only does deep breathing help to manage difficult moments, but you'll find with regular practice, that difficult moments like tantrums are less frequent and less extreme. Yay to that!!
So, when your kids are consumed by anxiety, big emotions, or unlimited amounts of energy, why not put them in control of this big energy and give them a tool to power down? Don't worry- I'm going to show you how, step by step, for your success.
4 Part - Deep Breathing Series
I've put together a Four Part, Deep Breathing Series AND I'll finish it off with a 5 Day Deep Breathing Challenge, so you'll learn everything you need to know to get your kids started with deep breathing.
You just read Part 1 of the series all about how deep breathing works and its benefits. In part 2, you'll discover HOW to deep breathe in three simple steps. And, it really gets FUN in part 3, where I share five variations of deep breathing to make everyday practice exciting.
And, everyday practice is essential for the best results. Practice not only helps your child perfect their deep breathing technique, but the repetition keeps it top of mind for when they need it in a difficult moment.
So, with your success in mind, I created the Deep Breathing Challenge and added it as Part 4 of this series, so it's fun and easy for your class to practice, practice, practice.
When you're ready, head over to Part 2 where you'll learn the three simple steps to teach deep breathing to your kids. And, you'll discover how to make it fun and easy for them, too.
Head over to Part 2- Three Simple Steps for Peaceful Kids
So what kinds of big emotions or big energy do you experience with your kids? Let me know below.
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