I'm glad you're back for Part 4 of the Deep Breathing Series. Here we will pull it all together in the Deep Breathing Challenge and establish a plan for your kids' success.
The Deep Breathing Challenge will provide a framework for practice based on what you've learned already. So, if you missed any of the previous posts in the series, then just click below.
PART 1 - Five Deep Breathing Benefits for Kids
PART 2 - Three Simple Steps for Peaceful Kids, Naturally
PART 3 - Five, Fun Breathing Exercises for Kids
But, I have to be honest. You're not going to see real results or benefit from the peace and calm that deep breathing invites, if you don't practice. Your kids have to practice deep breathing every day.
That's why I created the Deep Breathing Challenge for you. The Challenge will guide you in setting up a practice plan that will work for you and your kids.
The All Important Practice Plan
Let's find a practice plan that will work with your schedule, your challenges, and your kids. This Deep Breathing Series and The Deep Breathing Challenge offer you options and variety, so you can figure out what works for you and your kids. There is no one size fits all.
That's why I created everything here. I will help you explore your different breathing options- to figure out what works for YOU.
The Deep Breathing Challenge provides you the opportunity to explore:
- the best time to practice
- which breathing exercise might work best for your kids' challenges
- the breathing exercises you kids respond to and have the most fun with
When you figure these things out, then practice becomes easy, fun, and natural. The perfect plan for success!
I've also included a Deep Breathing Journal with a daily tracker and picture/writing prompts to explore with your child. After you've filled the journal with lots of info for five days, use it to create your child's perfect practice plan for success.
Now, let's put it all together and set up a plan so your kids can become deep breathing masters, capable of managing their active bodies and big emotions every day.
When you sign up below, I'll send you a daily email for five days with your deep breathing strategy for the day. Each email will include a fun way for practicing your deep breathing along with a strategy for setting up practice reminders throughout the day.
Go forward with an open mind. Keep track of what works and what doesn't. Prepare to be amazed.
Here's What's Next:
- Sign up for the 5 Day Deep Breathing Challenge.
- Watch your inbox for an email from me with your success strategy for Day #1.
I will see you in your inbox for Day 1 of the challenge. Don't forget to check your email.