What To Add To A Self Love Center In Preschool

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How to set up a self love center in preschool

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Self Love Center Ideas for preschool

Just as there is a lot of teaching about being friendly, kind, and loving toward others in preschool, it's just as important to teach self love. We are all born knowing our unique preciousness, and then certain life circumstances and experiences get in the way and we forget.


I've collected some ideas for a self love center for you. If you already have a peace center, it's easy enough to just add some of these activities so your kids have easy access to them. You can grab the "Self Love Center Checklist" and printables in The Mindfulness Library.


If you don't already have a peace center, just designate a quiet space that's out of the way. Add some pillows to make it comfortable and any other mindfulness or calming tools you have in your classroom. Things like:

  • mindfulness books
  • pinwheels for practicing deep breathing
  • calming bottle (my best recipe is in The Mindfulness Library)
  • chimes or singing bowl
  • Hoberman Sphere for deep breathing
  • rain stick
  • stress balls
  • yoga cards

I put together a list of some of my favorite mindfulness tools.


RELATED: My Amazon Picks for Your Peace Center

How to create an outdoor meditation space


Self love center activities

Self love affirmation cards

Grab a deck of affirmation cards and choose a few cards related to self love to add to your self love center. Or, you can print out and use the simple affirmation cards I created for you. They are included in the "Self Love Center Checklist".


Some of the cards have simple affirmations of self love on them and some I left blank for you. Your kids can write or draw their own self love affirmations or sayings on the blank ones. Keep the cards in your self love center so your kids can repeat the affirmations throughout the day.


Your preschoolers can:

  1. Choose an affirmation.
  2. Close their eyes, and take a deep breath.
  3. Say the affirmation three times. Have your kiddos try to "feel" the emotion or feeling in their body as they repeat the saying.
  4. Finish with one last deep breath.



Certain yoga poses support the opening of the heart area by releasing stress, tightness, and tension so that love can start flowing again.


If you don't have any yoga cards, just create your own. Your kids can choose poses that make their heart feel open and loving. They don't even have to be "real" yoga poses.


You can also check out these 58 Fun and Easy Yoga Poses for Kids for inspiration. There are some square shaped cards and some heart shaped cards in the "Self Love Center Checklist" that you can use to create your own yoga cards. Have your kids draw the poses they love on the cards and cut them out.



Labyrinths are like mazes except there are no dead ends. It's a journey along one path that leads to the center. As you enter and follow the path of the labyrinth to the center, it's like a reflective journey to your own inner being. It's a place to meditate and reflect and find the answers from within.


I didn't create a finger labyrinth but I enjoy using some just like these heart shaped labyrinths.


Simply get quiet, and take a deep breath. Place a finger on the path and slowly follow it to the center. Use the journey to reflect on a self love affirmation. Then, without lifting your finger follow the path back out.



Yes, a simple mirror can be a powerful self love tool. It doesn't matter if it's a handheld mirror or if you put one up on the wall.


Have your kids look into the mirror and say kind words to themselves. They might have their own words they want to use or they can choose an affirmation to repeat. They can also choose kind or loving words that someone else said to them in the past that made them feel loved.


Try it yourself. Look into a mirror and say, "I love you" at least three times. Notice if it was easy or if there was some resistance. Notice how you feel after.


Heart Mandala

I created some coloring mandalas that you can print and add to your self love center along with some crayons, markers, or colored pencils. Or, you can certainly get more creative and add stickers, confetti, scraps of paper, or even glitter if you want 🙂 and add them to your art center.


A mandala is a creative expression of our inner world. Have your kids take a deep breath and focus on self love which is what this mandala will represent. Then, they can use colors, shapes, and patterns to add any feelings or thoughts about self love they notice inside of them.


The mandalas are included in the "Self Love Center Checklist" in The Mindfulness Library.



The heart breathing board is a deep breathing tool that can be used to relax and sink into self love. Keep it in your self love center so your kids can practice their deep breathing. Add in an affirmation to make it even more powerful.


You can grab your "Self Love Center Checklist" and activity printables in The Mindfulness Library. Just click the button for access. You'll also have access to everything else in there- scripts, activity packets, breathing boards, and more.

Will you put together a self love center? Which activities will you include? Let me know below.

~ Dawn

Dawn Selander Author Box

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