Meditation for Winter- “Sled Ride”

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Sled Ride Meditation for Winter

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Now that the holidays are over and the winter days are quieter and colder, I would imagine a bit of fun and excitement would be a welcomed addition to your preschool days. So, how about a fun and exhilarating sled ride that you don't need to spend an hour bundling up for? You feel excited already, don't you?


I created this guided meditation for winter (or guided story as I like to call them with the kids) with the perfect sled ride in mind. It will no doubt excite and exhilarate both you and your kids.


Guided stories are used for many reasons including calming, settling emotions, and finding answers. But, this is a simple, fun meditation designed to boost happiness and excitement during the long, cold winter days when you might be stuck inside. Or, you can use it as fun, imaginative play if it isn't cold and snowy where you are. Heck, why not try it in the summer for fun!


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Download the free "Sled Ride" guided story script and discussion questions from the Mindfulness Library. You can grab it now and start using it right away- no materials needed.


Meditation for winter success tips

Don't get frustrated if you think your kids aren't doing it perfectly- there is no perfect! Whatever they get out of it, no matter how small, still helps and benefits them. Here are some tips for your success using this meditation for winter or any other guided story.

  • Your kids will talk and move around during meditations- that’s ok. Offer gentle reminders that this is time to invite stillness and quiet. You can have a separate quiet activity set up ahead of time if they choose to leave the meditation early or choose not to participate at all.
  • They can sit or lie down to get comfortable for the story.
  • Closed eyes will make the experience more "sensational", but don't force any child to close their eyes if they aren't comfortable doing so. It isn't necessary.
  • Explain that you might be asking questions during the guided story. The questions are for them to think about and not answer out loud. There will be time at the end for sharing.
  • You don't have to read the entire script. You can skip parts of it based on the engagement of your group that day.
  • Don't read all of the questions in the script. It will make the story too long and your kids will lose focus. Pick the ones that work for you.
  • Always offer some time to share after the guided story. Talking about their experience will help your kids find more meaning in it and a deeper awareness of themselves. You can use the discussion questions I included as inspiration to start the share.
  • Provide paper and crayons or markers for you kids to make a creative expression of their experience.

Normally I would recommend reading a meditation script slowly and softly, but it would be much more fun if you read this meditation for winter script faster and with much more excitement to help your kids really feel the experience of flying down the hill on their sled.


YAY! Have fun with it.


RELATED: mindfulness for kids- 10 success tips


Let me know below how much fun you had trying this "Sled Ride" meditation for winter.


Dawn Selander Author Box

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