Grounding Activities for Your Preschool Mud Theme

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Grounding Activities For Your Preschool Mud Theme

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What the heck is Grounding anyway?

You might think that electricity and the human body don't mix. After all, we head for cover during a lightening storm, avoid sticking forks into electrical outlets, and we don't throw toasters into the bathtub.


But actually, electrical currents are one way the body communicates. Thoughts, heart beats, and muscle movements are all signaled by electrical currents formed by the cells in our body.


And just like we ground our electrical appliances and outlets for safety, it is healthy for us to ground with the earth, too. The earth has a subtle electrical charge and when we connect with it, we can feel physically healthy, mentally focused and centered, and emotionally balanced.


Grounding helps us feel:

  • solid
  • stable
  • centered
  • balanced
  • less stressed


So, here's another way to look at it. when you aren't grounded, you might:

  • feel scattered and lose your keys a lot
  • feel stressed and anxious often
  • have difficulty managing your emotions
  • feel overwhelmed by even small challenges
  • trip over things or fall down more often


Nowadays, we wear rubber and plastic soled shoes, we don't go barefoot as often, and our high rise buildings where we work and live all disrupt our connection with the Earth.


But, the good news is that it is so easy and even fun to reconnect with Mother Earth to bring about a sense of well-being and to relieve stress.


And, one of the best ways is to get outside and spend some time in nature. So, ditch the shoes and get your kids outside because I have some grounding activities for you that you can easily add to your dirt or mud theme in preschool.



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Grounding activities for your mud or dirt theme

There are so many creative ideas for playing in the mud. Here are a few fun ones I rounded up.

  1. Walk barefoot and jump through mud puddles, no instructions necessary!
  2. Plant a garden. Check out this fun Pizza Garden idea.
  3. Create a Charming Mud Kitchen like they did at Our Day Outside.
  4. Head to Rhythms of Play and try this Mud Pie Art Activity.
  5. Check out these 20 Glorious Ways To Play With Mud from Mother Natured.
  6. Make a Sediment Jar with instructions from Raising Lifelong Learners. It doubles as a calming jar and a science lesson!


I know playing in the mud is going to get messy. So, put your kids in bathing suits and wash off in the sprinkler when you are done.


But, if you still aren't sold on getting messy or don't have the time to go all out in the mud, you can try these "cleaner" ways to practice grounding outside.


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Grounding activities that don't require a muddy mess

You can get creative and make any kind of outdoor activity or play a grounding experience. Warm weather is the perfect time for taking shoes off and touching your body to the earth- soil, grass, sand and even concrete will work. But, avoid wood and asphalt, they will block your connection.


Try these simple ways to spend some time grounding during the day:

  1. Have your morning meeting or read a book outside in the grass.
  2. Roll in the grass. Yeah, remember doing that 🙂
  3. Lie in the grass and gaze at the clouds.
  4. Take a mindfulness texture walk. Take your shoes off and walk over a variety of textures- soil, grass, rocks, pavers, bricks, mulch, puddles, sand, concrete sidewalk, etc.
  5. Try "Laughing Meditation" in the grass. So much fun!
  6. How about a Flower Garden Yoga flow outside?


Related: Five mindful breathing books for kids

Growing kindness- a moving meditation


Outdoor Peace Center


Create an outdoor meditation space of your own.


Have you ever thought about creating an outdoor meditation space? Think of it as a calming corner, quiet corner, or peace center outdoors.


An outdoor meditation space will give your kids (and you, too) the time and space to get quiet, calm, reflect, and find answers. It's a space to be still and find peace. A place to connect with nature and ground.


Grab your copy of the step-by-step outdoor meditation space planner.


If you're looking for more mindfulness activities to add to your preschool day, look no further than The Mindfulness Library for free, 24/7 access to meditation scripts, activity packets, deep breathing printables and more.


Let me know below which grounding activity you'll try. Don't forget to send pictures!

~ Dawn

Dawn Selander Author Box

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