Tag: Christmas

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You are going to want to add these meaningful Christmas books to your preschool library this holiday season. They are all special in their own way and will convey meaningful messages about the spirit of the holidays to your little ones. The heartfelt message of each book will inspire you to start a class discussion following each reading.


Incorporating mindfulness activities into a busy preschool day can seem almost impossible, especially during the super busy holidays. But, not any more. I’m sharing three kid-friendly, fun and engaging mindfulness activities that will fit perfectly into any of your holiday or December themes. Easy for you and fun for the kids. It’s a win-win. 

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Christmas is an incredible experience for the senses, am I right? The sights, the sounds, the aromas, the flavors, the feelings- there’s nothing else like it. And it lasts for a whole month! This makes the holiday season the perfect time to slow down and savor some of these meaningful moments.