Welcome to Part 2 of the Deep Breathing Series where you're going to discover the three simple steps that invite peace and calm to the body and the mind.
So, let me ask you, do your kids have trouble with:
- relaxing their active body
- focusing their mind
- settling their anxiety and fears
- sitting still
- managing their big emotions
Then keep reading, and I'll show you the trick that invites peace and calm in three simple steps. Just three simple steps to deep, belly breathing that are easy to teach kids and simple enough for them to understand and use.
I've had such amazing results with deep breathing that it has become my #1 go-to tool for balance. I use this tool every single day and I've taught it to hundreds of preschoolers. I have personally experienced amazing results with deep breathing, and I've received so much positive feedback from the parents and teachers of the kids I've taught.
So much so, that I created this 4 Part Deep Breathing Series to make it fun and easy for you to teach your kids to deep breathe, too. This is Part 2, so if you haven't read Part 1, then head over there to catch up, and I'll meet you back here.
Part 1- Five Deep Breathing Benefits for Kids
But, if you're ready to continue on with Part 2, I'll share my simple 3 step formula for HOW to deep breathe. Trust me, it's simple and easy, it's natural, it's free, and it can be used anytime and anywhere. Why not try it??
Let's get right to the three simple steps. Ready?
Three Simple Steps to Peaceful Kids
When we deep, belly breathe, we want to fill our lungs completely all the way to the bottom with air. So, when we sit up tall, more air can flow in to expand the lungs. This full breath inflates our lower lungs which push into the abdomen and causes the belly to rise. By sitting up tall, everything inside becomes elongated, so more air can flow in and give your insides a nice big stretch.
You can try it for yourself. Sit hunched over, and take a deep breath. It probably feels restricted, and the breath mostly gets stopped up higher in the chest.
Now, sit up tall, relax, and take a deep breath. It feels different doesn't it?
Remember from Part 1 that our intention is to use breathing to activate the relaxation response and bring about a sense of calm within the body and mind. To do that, we need to tweak the way we normally breathe just a bit.
Instead of the shallow, chest breathing we normally do, we want to breathe in deeply which causes the release of all kinds of anti-stress chemicals in your body that help you calm down. Deep breathing helps the breath to flow deep into the lungs, inflating the lower lungs rather than just the upper chest.
Go ahead and put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Don't change your breathing but just notice which hand is moving up and down. For most it will be the hand on your chest. Now, relax your stomach muscles and see if you can get your breath to flow deeper and raise the hand on your belly.
I used to hold my stomach in so tight that this was hard for me at first. But after you get the feel for it, it gets easier and easier. Just relax and give your belly a gentle massage. Then, just allow it to get bigger with your breath.
Breathe out through your mouth and not your nose, this way you can use your lips to control the speed at which you exhale. You want to tighten your lips to make the opening small and release the air slowly, like blowing bubbles. The smaller opening will slow down the amount of air being released and will make the exhale longer and slower.
The longer, slower exhale will activate the relaxation response and create a sense of calm, and therefore, peaceful kids, too.
Try it for yourself. Take a breath, and let the air out with a relaxed mouth. Now, take a breath and tighten your lips and release the breath as if you were blowing bubbles. Do you feel the control you have when your lips are tightened? You can release the air more slowly.
There you have it, peaceful kids naturally in three steps. Simple and easy, right? But wait- it gets even better!
Here's What's Next
- You'll want to check out the FREE Deep Breathing Basics video I created for teachers and parents for teaching their kids how to deep breathe. It not only covers the three step formula I just shared, but you'll also discover:
- how to teach the three simple steps for deep breathing to kids
- how to use toys to make deep breathing understandable, fun, and engaging for your kids
- the three biggest mistakes I see parents make when they try to get their kids to manage big energy and what to do instead
- you'll also get a printable guide for taking notes
Just click below for instant access to the FREE video and printable guide -
2. Move along to Part 3 of The Deep Breathing Series where you'll learn about fun ways to practice deep breathing that your kids will love.
Part 3- Fun Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids.
Now that you have my three simple step formula for deep breathing, will you teach it to your kids? Let me know below.
Hi Dawn,
What a blessing you are! Thank you so much for your wonderful insights and specific tools for kids. I will definitely be utilizing your simple strategies that are proven to work. I am a former K-1 teacher and now teach mindfulness meditation to children as a certified mindfulness meditation and guided imagery specialist. It’s very refreshing to see such clear, simple strategies laid out for anyone to utilize. Thank you for dedicating your services to our children. It is so needed. Please let me know if you would like to share ideas and teachings so we can build the future of our children together. mindfulbalanceforkids.com
In Gratitude,
Kristen Harper